Frequently asked Questions


The SilentCloud App costs EUR 14.99 per month or EUR 74.95 per 6-month subscription
You can cancel your subscription in the Google Play Store or Apple Store. You cannot cancel the subscription within the SilentCloud App. Deleting your account in the settings of the SilentCloud App will not cancel your subscription.
You can subscribe after completing “All about tinnitus” and your ENT Form was processed by your Tinnitus Expert. Then you will see the subscription tile on your Activity screen.

Data Privacy & Account deletion

Please go to the settings in the app, and select “Delete account”
Please go to the settings in the app, and review the Data Privacy and Terms.
Yes. Please go to the settings in the app, and withdraw your agreement to the Data Privacy and Terms. Note that this will stop the app from working.

Installation & registration

Yes. You will need to register to use the SilentCloud App.
The SilentCloud App is available in all official languages in your country of residence. The App uses the same language as your phone. If that language is not available, International English will be used.
SilentCloud is available in Belgium, The Netherlands, and Italy. Additional countries will be added in the future and the App will become visible in your country’s download platforms.
The SilentCloud App will link you with a Tinnitus expert and an ENT in your area, therefore we ask you for your country of residence.
The validation code is sent by SilentCloud to the email you used for registration. Depending on the email provider and spam filters settings in your computer, the email may get filtered into your spam folder.
In accordance with EU laws all apps that handle personal data require your acceptance of these policies. The app cannot be used otherwise.
If you declined push notifications during the app installation, you can activate them manually in your phone settings.
Go to the login screen, click on “Forgot password”. A new one will be sent to your email address on file.
Android 9 or iOS 14.5
You can change the language in your phone settings and the app will operate in that language if it is available. Otherwise, the app will use English.

ENT Form

The ENT Form is sent by SilentCloud to the email you used for registration. Depending on the email provider and spam filters settings in your computer, the email may get filtered into your spam folder. The password is shown in the messaging tool in SilentCloud. Go to “Messages” in your Activity Screen to retrieve the password. You’ll be asked to enter this password when you open the ENT Form.
The ENT Form is the prescription for SilentCloud therapy.
The ENT form can be opened in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Don’t forget, you’ll need the code provided in the app message tab to unlock the file.
The ENT Form was sent by email to the address you used to register in the app. If you can’t find the email again, please contact your Tinnitus Expert using the message tab in the app.


The therapies are available for subscribers only. However, the Education and Counseling content available in the “All about Tinnitus” module is free.
Your Tinnitus Expert has defined the recommended duration of therapy and programmed the timer accordingly. This is likely between 2 to 4 hours per day. Keep in mind that you can break up your sound therapy into multiple sessions with a minimum length of 1 hour each.
The system provides one new section per day, which should take about 15-20 minutes.
From your home screen, tap “Your Counseling Therapy”. All your open sessions are shown with a dark green box. Scroll down to find the latest available one.
Please send a message to your Tinnitus Expert using the “messages” tab.


When a questionnaire is started, it has to be finished in one session. This is to ensure the results capture one point in time. SilentCloud detects if a questionnaire was paused for more than a day and asks you to restart it.
The clinic information is sent by SilentCloud to the email you used for registration. Depending on the email provider and spam filters settings in your computer, the email may get filtered into your spam folder. You can also find the clinic information in the app settings (upper right corner in Activity screen)
Your Tinnitus Expert is asking you to complete a questionnaire because they would like to know how you are doing and may want to make changes to your sound therapy. Please proceed with the requested task.
Please check your volume buttons and your headset.
You can access and repeat all completed sections by going to the Counseling and Exercise buttons at the bottom of your Activity screen
Please report it to your Tinnitus Expert or clinic Call Center.
Please report it to your Tinnitus Expert or clinic Call Center

New phone & moving

Yes, but you cannot be logged in to your SilentCloud account on two phones simultaneously. Log out on the first device before you sign in on the second device.
No, you just need to make sure the SilentCloud App is installed on the new phone. Open SilentCloud and login using your registered email and password. You can continue on your SilentCloud journey from where you left off
No, you just need to make sure the SilentCloud app is installed on the new phone. Open SilentCloud and login using your registered email and password. You can continue on your SilentCloud journey from where you left off
Yes, you can. The Tinnitus Expert you selected remains based on your previous address and will be able to support you remotely.
First confirm that the SilentCloud App is available in your new country. If so, you have two options:
  1. Open the app and create a new account (registration) using a different email.
  2. Go in settings and delete your account. CAUTION: this will delete all your data. Open the app and proceed with registration. You may use the same email address as before.
Both these options will restart your SilentCloud journey from the beginning